購買流程 Purchase Process
- 每件物品的價錢固定,先到先得,售完即止。
- 如要購買某件物品,請按「加入購物車」。
- 如想繼續購物,請按「繼續購物」。
- 如選購完成,請按「檢視購物車」,然後選擇「結賬」,進行付款。按「結賬」前,請仔細檢查所購買的物品、數量和價錢。
- 請於「聯絡資訊」一欄,填寫您的電郵地址或手機號碼。
- 然後按「繼續付款」。
- 我們只接受信用卡付款。請填寫您的信用卡資料。
- 請填寫您的帳單地址。
- 然後按「立即付款」。
- 您會收到電郵,列明購入物品,以及到中心取件的時間。
- 不設退款、退回和更換。
- 您的個人資料僅供今次網上籌款活動之用。網上籌款活動圓滿結束後,您的個人資料就會被刪除。
Purchase Process
- Each item has a fixed price and will be sold on a first come, first served basis, while stocks last.
- For each item you would like to buy, please click “加入購物車ADD TO CART”.
- If you want to continue shopping, please click “繼續購物 Continue Shopping”.
- If you have finished shopping, please click “檢視購物車VIEW CART” and then “結賬CHECK OUT” to make payment. Please check carefully what you have bought, the quantity and the price BEFORE you click “結賬CHECK OUT”.
- Under “聯絡資訊Contact Information”, please input your email or mobile phone number.
- Then click “繼續付款Continue to payment”.
- We only accept credit card payment. Please input your credit card details.
- Please input your billing address.
- Then click “立即付款Pay Now”.
- You will receive an email informing you what you have bought and when you can collect the item in Centre.
Terms and Conditions:
- There is no refund, return and exchange of items.
- Your personal data provided is only for the purpose of this online shopping fund raising event. We will delete your personal data provided after the whole online shopping fund raising event is completed.